5 Week Adult Course

Come and try tennis! Starting Tuesday 8th April 2025, between 18.00-19.00. Regardless of whether you are beginner or coming back to the game, our 5 week course will be a great way to learn new skills or brush up on some old ones.  The course will focus on the following: Week

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Stewart Lister – Coach of year winner 2022!

Martin Youldon and Stewart Lister Stewart Lister has been Head Coach at Littlehampton Community Tennis since 2008 and been instrumental in encouraging people in the local area take up the game by offering weekly coaching for all at affordable rates. There are several thriving groups – from new starters of

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Jubilee Celebration Tournament

The club will be celebrating the Jubilee on Friday 3rd June with an afternoon of tennis. Pimms, silly costumes and lots of red, white and blue will be the order of the day from 1.30 onwards.

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Howard summer doubles league

Howard summer doubles league matches got off to a great start on 8th May 2022!  Despite only having one pair, Howard men’s team drew away to the Weald.  The ladies new second team also had a great result winning 3-1 away to Henfield. It was one lady’s first ever match

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Summer tournaments – round up!

As the summer grass season draws to a close, the club typically runs its annual ladies’, men’s and mixed tournaments. The ladies’ tournament was first up in the summer diary and was held on a very hot Sunday in mid July. The number of pairs were smaller than usual but

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Surprise recognition for dedication to LTC and community

Following the mixed doubles tournament the On 29th August 2021, The Littlehampton Tennis Club paid a special token of appreciation to Stewart and Helen Lister for all their hard work and efforts over the years in supporting the club by presenting to them with an Honorary Life Membership Trophy.  Stewart has

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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updated 1 February

Following the recent government guidelines, we are opening Howard Lawn Tennis Club from the 13 May 2020, for arranged singles and, as of 1 June 2020, for arranged doubles.

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6 Week Summer Course

If you want to try tennis for the first time, start playing again or just improve your technique, come and get involved!  We are lucky enough to offer a subsided 6 week tennis course (courtesy of West Sussex County Council) to start from Wednesday 19th August 6pm to 7pm at

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Gallop Print

We’d like to extend a huge thank you to Simon at Gallop Print – who is keen to help encourage young people play Tennis!

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Littlehampton Town Council Grant Awarded

We’re thrilled to announce we were recently successful in our application for a sporting grant by Littlehampton Town Council to help contribute towards the maintenance and ongoing running of our club. We would like to extend our huge appreciation and thanks to the Littlehampton Town Council for supporting our tennis

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